Work Positioning Belts For Working At Height
These holding and maintenance work positioning belts are devices that hold the body by encircling the waist while still allowing a person to be held by a tether while performing work at height. Many of the Tractel CE Adjustable Work Positioning Belts may be used in conjunction with pole strap & restraint lanyards.
Whilst not designed for use as a fall arrest device, when the safety belts are used in conjunction with other height safety equipment components such as:
- safety harnesses
- restraint lanyards
- pole straps
- other tethering equipment
The work positioning belts form part of a fall arrest system which offers an additional degree of comfort and a high degree of safety for those working at height.
Tractel Safety Belt CE01
Two lateral hitch D rings
Three sizes S, M and XLThe Tractel CE01 safety belt is not designed for use as a fall arrest devices
Tractel Safety Belt CE02
Two wide easy access forged steel fastening buckles
Three sizes S, M and XLTractel Safety Belt CE05
Safety belt
2 forged steel “D” clip.
Delivered with securing lanyard of 1.5 m + M10
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